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学术报告(20170316)Ferroelectricity and magnetism in hybrid organic-inorganic compounds

报告题目: Ferroelectricity and magnetism in hybrid organic-inorganic compounds
报告人: Alessandro Stroppa教授
报告人单位: 意大利国家研究委员会超导和创新材料研究所
报告时间: 2017年3月16日晚上8点
报告地点: 国家光电实验室C区404房间
  Ferroelectric materials, whose spontaneous polarization can be switched
by an external electric field, have a wide range of applications in
electronic devices. Recent discoveries of ferroelectricity in organic
solids have been limited to some well-known polymer ferroelectrics or a
few low molecular mass compounds. Computational approaches based on
density functional theory represent a valuable tool in order to predict
or suggest new organic ferroelectrics with large values of ferroelectric polarization.
In particular, the modern theory of polarization is used and symmetry analysis
gives an important help for gaining insights into the mechanisms responsible
for the ferroelectric polarization.
Here we will focus on the description of the ferroelectric and magnetic properties of
complex organic-inorganic systems, such as metal-organic frameworks
(MOFs). In particular, MOFs with a perovskite topology show promising
new routes for the cohexistence of ferroelectricity and magnetism, i.e.

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Alessandro Stroppa教授来我院交流。Stroppa教授是新型多铁材料

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