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学术报告(20170314)Can we find wormholes by gravitational lensing?)

报告题目: Can we find wormholes by gravitational lensing?
报告人: Naoki Tsukamoto(日本) 博士
报告人单位: 华中科技大学 博士后
报告时间: 2017年3月14日(周二) 10:00
报告地点: 东七楼,427室(四楼)
  General relativity admits nontrivial topology of spacetimes like wormhole spacetimes as nonvacuume solution of the Einstein equations. We can survey not only stellar-mass and wide-range-mass primordial black holes but also wormholes. The investigation of observational methods to find womrholes is important understand our Universe deeply. Gravitational lensing may be the only tool to find these dark and isolated compacts objects. Can we distinguish wormholes from the other dark objects? To answer the qusetion, I revise a strong deflection limint analysis of the deflection angle of a light ray and apply to a wormhole spacetime. In this talk, I will show our recent investigations of gravitaional lensing by photon spheres in the strong grativational fields.
  Dr. Naoki Tsukamoto is a postdoctral fellow of HUST and is supervised by Prof. Yungui Gong from on May in 2016. He got the degree of PhD on September in 2013 at Rikkyo University at Tokyo. Before his coming to HUST, he spent two years as a postdoctral fellow at Fudan University. His research interest is gerenal relativity, especially, gravitational lensing and the other phenomena in strong gravitational fields. His h index is 9.

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