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学术报告(20200107)Gauge Invariance of Scalar Induced Gravitational Waves标量扰动诱导的引力波及其规范不变性


报告题目: Gauge Invariance of Scalar Induced Gravitational Waves标量扰动诱导的引力波及其规范不变性
报告人: 王赛 副研究员
报告人单位: 高能物理所理论物理室
报告时间: 1月7日14:00
报告地点: 东七楼427

We investigate the gauge invariance of the second order gravitational waves induced by the first order scalar perturbations by following the Lie derivative method. It is shown explicitly that the second order gravitational waves are gauge invariant in the synchronous frame. In the gauge invariant framework, we derive the equation of motion of the second order gravitational waves and show that the second order gravitational waves are sourced from the first order scalar perturbations described well in the gauge invariant Newtonian frame. Since the observables of gravitational waves are measured in the synchronous frame, we define the energy density spectrum of the second order gravitational waves in terms of the gauge invariant synchronous variables. This way guarantees no fictitious tensor perturbations. It is shown that the gauge invariant energy density spectrum of the second order gravitational waves coincides with the one in the Newtonian gauge.



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