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学术报告(20170321)Cosmological perturbations from a BRS quartet

报告题目: Cosmological perturbations from a BRS quartet
报告人: Rio Saitou(日本)  博士
报告人单位: 华中科技大学 博士后
报告时间: 2017年3月21日(周二) 10:00
报告地点: 东七楼,427室(四楼)
  We investigate the cosmological perturbations of the topological model recently proposed. The model has an exact de Sitter background solution associated with a Becchi-Rouet-Stora(BRS) quartet terms which are regarded as a Lagrangian density of the topological field theory, and the de Sitter solution can be selected without spontaneously breaking the BRS symmetry. The BRS symmetry is preserved for the perturbations around the de Sitter background before we solve the constraints of general relativity. We derive action to the second order of the perturbations and confirm that even after solving the constraints, we have the BRS symmetry at least for the second order action. We construct the cosmological perturbation theory involving the BRS sector, and obtain the two point correlation functions of the curvature perturbation and the isocurvature perturbations which are composed of the BRS sector. Our result will give a new description for the quantum field theory in the de Sitter spacetime.
  2009 Bachelor of Science at Nagoya university in Japan,2011 Master of Science at Nagoya university,2014 Doctor of Science at Nagoya university.After getting the Ph.D, I belonged to the University of Tokyo in Japan for 1 and a half year as a postdoc. Then, I moved to HUST from 2015.

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