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学术报告(20161121)Synthetic Spin-Orbit Coupling for Cold Atoms Progress in Theory and Experiment

报告题目: Synthetic Spin-Orbit Coupling for Cold Atoms Progress in Theory and Experiment
报告人: 刘雄军 教授
报告人单位: 北京大学
报告时间: 上午10:30
报告地点: 科技楼北410
  刘雄军教授2011年毕业于Texas A&M University。2011年至2014年先后在马里兰大学凝聚态物理中心和联合量子研究所,香港科大高等研究院及麻省理工学院从事博士后研究。2014年8月底加入北京大学量子材料中心。他的研究兴趣包括凝聚态理论和超冷原子理论,集中在量子物质拓扑相等方面。目前发表40余篇论文,主要发表在Science, Nature Materials, PRX, PRL, 和Nature Comm等杂志期刊上。
  The spin-orbit (SO) interaction plays essential roles in many prominent quantum effects, with which the important topics including spintronics, topological insulators, and topological superconductors emerge in the past over decade. On the other hand, cold atoms with laser-induced SO interactions provide an intriguing new platform to explore quantum physics beyond natural conditions of solids. In the work presented here we propose in theory and realize in experiment 2D SO coupling and nontrivial topological band for 87Rb quantum degenerate gas through an optical Raman lattice, without phase locking or fine tuning of optical potentials. After introducing the background of the SO coupling for cold atoms, we present the optical Raman lattice scheme for the generation of SO coupling and topological phases for cold atoms, as being applied to latest theoretical and experimental work. A controllable crossover between 2D and 1D SO couplings is studied, and the SO effects and nontrivial band Chern numbers are observed by measuring the atomic cloud distribution and spin texture in momentum space. Our realization of 2D SO coupling with advantages of small heating and topological stability may open a broad avenue in cold atoms to study exotic quantum phases. Future important issues in theory and experiment will also be introduced.


Z. Wu, L. Zhang, W. Sun, X. Xu, B. Wang, Y. Deng, S. Chen, X. -J. Liu and J. -W. Pan, Science, 354, 83-88 (2016).

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