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报告题目: The Beginning of Gravitational Wave Astronomy
报告人: Dr Haixing Miao PhD
报告人单位: School of Physics and Astronomy, Birmingham Fellow
报告时间: 15:40
报告地点: 引力中心三楼会议室
  Haixing Miao is a Birmingham Fellow and also STFC Ernst Rutherford Fellow in the School of Physics and Astronomy
His current research interests are improving sensitivity of quantum-limited measurement devices that include gravitational-wave detectors and optomechanical sensors in general, and using these devices to study quantum behaviours of macroscopic objects.
Haixing Miao started his postgraduate research in the gravitational-wave group at the University of Western Australia in 2007. He got his PhD in 2010. Afterwards, he moved to California Institute of Technology as a postdoctoral scholar, where he continued working on quantum aspects of gravitational-wave detectors and optomechanical devices in general.
He joined Birmingham in 2014 as the Marie-Curie International-Incoming Fellow. In 2016, he was awarded the STFC Ernst Rutherford Fellow and also the Birmingham Fellow.

• Quantum limit of gravitational-wave detectors and optomechanical sensors
• Classical and quantum interferometry
• Theory of continuous quantum measurements
• Macroscopic quantum mechanics

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