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学术报告(20160928)Time and Frequency Standard: Atomic Clock

报告题目: Time and Frequency Standard: Atomic Clock
报告人: Manzoor Ikram 教授
报告人单位: National Institute of Lasers & Optronics,Pakistan
报告时间: 2016年9月28日15:00
报告地点: 科技楼北410
  Cesium atomic beam clocks have been the workhorse for many demanding applications in science and technology for the past five decades. Tests of the fundamental laws of physics and the search for minute changes in fundamental constants, the synchronization of telecommunication networks, and realization of the satellite-based global positioning system would not be possible without atomic clocks. The adoption of optical cooling and trapping techniques, has produced a major advance in atomic clock precision. Cold-atom fountain and compact cold-atom clocks have also been developed. Measurement precision of a few parts in 1015 has been demonstrated for a cold-atom fountain clock. We present here an overview of the Pakistan's time and frequency metrology program based on cesium atoms. This activity consists of construction and characterization of atomic-beam, and several variations of cold-atom clocks. We discuss the basic working principles, construction, and evaluation. We also present here the research work towards compact atomic clocks based on atomic coherence effects.
  Professor Manzoor Ikram is the head of Academic and Optronics Division, National Institute of Lasers and Optronics; Member, Board of Faculty, Faculty of Sciences, Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences; and Member, Board of Studies, National Institute of Lasers and Optronics (BoS NILOP), Islamabad, Pakistan. Earlier he was the Director of Centre for Quantum Physics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad (2007 - 2011). • His research area include Quantum Optics, Laser Physics, Atomic Coherence Effects, and Quantum Information. • He has 36 research papers in International Journals with citations about 800.

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