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学术报告(20160603)Gravitational waves from compact binary mergers: a phenomenological approach

报告题目: Gravitational waves from compact binary mergers: a phenomenological approach
报告人: Sourabh Nampalliwar
报告人单位: 复旦大学
报告时间: 2016年6月3日上午10:30
报告地点: 引力中心3楼会议室
Binary systems are the most promising sources of gravitational waves. One such system was detected recently by the LIGO interferometers. They are going to be the primary candidates for the upcoming space-based gravitational wave detectors as well. During the merger of binary compact objects, an important stage is the plunge. A small part of the gravitational waveform, it marks the end of early inspiral and determines the quasinormal ringing (QNR) of the final outcome of the merger. It is also the part of the waveform where most of the gravitational energy is released. But, unlike early inspiral and late ringdown, it is poorly understood in terms of phenomenology. In this talk, I will introduce a novel approach combining the Fourier domain Green’s function in the particle perturbation approximation and a simple model to understand this crucial stage.
Dr. Sourabh Nampalliwar conducted his research in Gravitational waves, Astrophysics, and General Relativity. He is now a postdoc working in the Department of Physics at Fudan University. He graduated with his PhD from University of Texas, where he had been working on the nature of spherical collapse and studying of black hole dynamics.

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