姓 名:赵德刚 中共党员
职 称:副教授
学 历:博士
1999.09-2003.06:武汉大学物理系 材料物理专业 学士。
2003.09-2006.06:武汉大学物理系 凝聚态专业 硕士 导师:刘正猷教授。
2006.09-2010.07,香港科技大学纳米科学与技术系 应用数学专业 博士 导师:项阳教授。
2010.09-2014.07,华中科技大学物理学院 讲师
2014.08-2015.08,香港科技大学物理学院 访问学者
2015.08-至今华中科技大学物理学院 副教授 教学工作情况 大学物理,大学物理实验
1.Degang Zhao, Zhengyou Liu, Chunyin Qiu, Zhaojian He, Feiyan Cai, and Manzhu Ke
“Surface acoustic waves in two-dimensional phononic crystals: Dispersion relation and the eigenfield distribution of surface modes.”
Phys. Rev. B 76, 144301 (2007)
2.Degang Zhao, Wengang Wang, Zhengyou Liu, Jing Shi, Weijia Wen
“Peculiar transmission property of acoustic waves in a one-dimensional layered phononic crystal.”
Physica B 390,159-166 (2007)
3. Jing Li,Degang Zhao, Zhengyou Liu,
“Zero-n photonic band gap in a quasiperiodic stacking of positive and negative refractive index materials.”
Physics Letters A 332, 461-468 (2004)
4. Manzhu Ke, Zhengyou Liu, Pei Pang, Chunyin Qiu,Degang Zhao, Shasha Peng, and Jing Shi
“Experimental demonstration of directional acoustic radiation based on two-dimensional phononic crystal band edge states.”
Appl.Phys.Lett, 90, 083509 (2007)
5. Feiyan Cai, Zhaojian He,Degang Zhao, Zhengyou Liu
“Scholte surface wave in a soft film deposited on rigid plate immersed in water: Dispersion relation and collimation effect.”
Journal of Applied Physics, 107, 064505 (2010)
6.Degang Zhao, Hongmei Xu, and Lin Yi,
“Exotic Absorption Peaks of Acoustic Waves in One-dimensional Layered Phononic Crystal.”
J. Appl. Phys,113,124501 (2013)
7.Degang Zhao, Jingfang Huang and Yang Xiang
“A new version Fast Multipole Method for evaluating the stress field of dislocation ensembles.”
Modelling Simul.Mater.Sci.Eng, 18, 045006 (2010)
8.Degang Zhao, Jingfang Huang, and Yang Xiang,
“Fast multipole accelerated boundary integral equation method for evaluating the stress field associated with dislocations in a finite medium.”
Commun. Comput. Phys. 12, 226 (2012).
9.Degang Zhao, Hanquan Wang and Yang Xiang,
“Asymptotic behaviors of the tress fields in the vicinity of dislocations and dislocation segments.” Philos.Mag. 92,2351 (2012).
10.Degang Zhao, Yangtao Ye, Shengjun Xu, Xuefeng Zhu and Lin Yi,
“Broadband and wide-angle negative reflection at a phononic crystal boundary.” Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 043503 (2014).
11. Xuefeng Zhu, Yugui Peng, andDegang Zhao
“Anisotropic reflection oscillation in periodic multilayer structures of parity-time symmetry.” Opt. Express, 22, 18402 (2014).
12.Degang Zhao, Yong Li and Xuefeng Zhu
“Broadband Lamb Wave Trapping in Cellular Metamaterial Plates with Multiple Local Resonances”. Sci. Rep. 5, 9376 (2015).