1. TianQin: a space-borne gravitational wave detector, Classical and Quantum Gravity, Vol. 33, 035010, 2016
2. Analysis of Nonlinearity in differential wave-front sensing technique, Optics Letters, Vol. 41, 2016
3. A dual-heterodyne laser interferometer for simultaneous measurement of linear and angular displacements, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 86, 123102, 2015
4. Inter-satellite laser range-rate measurement by using digital phase locked loop, Review of Scientific Instruments Vol. 86, 016106, 2015
5. A self-analyzing double-loop digital controller in laser frequency stabilization for inter-satellite laser ranging, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 86, 044501, 2015
6. Parameter estimation of eccentric inspiraling compact binaries using an enhanced post circular model for ground-based detectors, Physical Review D, Vol. 90, 122001, 2015
7. Measurements of temporal and spatial variation of surface potential using a torsion pendulum and a scanning conducting probe, Physical Review D, Vol. 90, 122001, 2014
8. Fundamental limits on the digital phase measurement method based on cross-correlation analysis, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 83, 095110, 2012
9. Inter-satellite laser ranging with homodyne optical phase locking for Space Advanced Gravity Measurements mission, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 82, 044501, 2011
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2. 基于精密扭秤技术的等效原理实验检验,国家973项目子课题
3. 物理实验教学体系改革探索与实践,省级教学研究项目